Open source code from sohonet.
Nameko StatsD
nameko.statsd integrates Nameko with StatsD.
Nameko Eventlog Dispatcher
nameko eventlog dispatcher is a dependency provider to aid with logging events in nameko.
miko is about making RPC requests from javascript to nameko.
CISE.ELK contains all the logstash and pmacctd configs, elasticsearch index templates, kibana dashboards and elastalert alerting rules created for the CISE project. It represents an entire configured ELK stack which can be used to record and report on security relevant events for your infrastructure.
Populate Elastic Search with FireHOL ip lists. repo. To be used with Ciseipdb Logstash Plugin
Ciseipdb Logstash Plugin
This plugin allows you to search for matching IPs in Elasticsearch IP database indexes and add that information into events. repo
Json format of the fourcc.
FOURCC is short for “four character code” - an identifier for a video codec, compression format, colour or pixel format used in media files. repo
A mock Filesystem that exists in memory only and allows for the creation of files of a size specified by the filename.repo